Your Time is Almost Up to Give Four Gifts at Once at OPEN WALLS

Your Time is Almost Up to Give Four Gifts at Once at OPEN WALLS

Art is a fantastic gift idea. Who doesn’t need more beauty in their life? When you give an original work of art you are giving a gift that is literally one-of-a-kind. Rather than being shelved or given away, your gift winds up on the wall, looked at daily, perhaps for years to come. I have many pieces in my home from friends and artists I know, and I think of those people nearly every time I view that work. It’s a great way to build on connections with friends and family.   

Art is a great gift for the receiver, but did you know your art gift becomes four gifts?

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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The World is Still a Beautiful Place

The World is Still a Beautiful Place

I don’t live in the United States. I have no say in any US election. Here I am in a tiny restaurant several hours away from the border, desperately concerned as Donald Trump is becoming the President of the United States. 

Wednesday morning I awake to this reality. I open Facebook and head to spaces where my American friends congregate. I read their status updates of confusion and disbelief. Where words have failed, there are only exclamations. I am heavy with the sadness of friends in the States who had hoped things would go differently. I have a lot of questions

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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How OPEN WALLS is Opening My Eyes to Community

How OPEN WALLS is Opening My Eyes to Community

It's Friday morning, and I'm wondering what help I'm going to have for the big install. Most installs are simpler than this. Maybe a dozen pieces from one artist with just a couple of variations in size and structure. Usually, artworks arrive grouped together into a cohesive vision (that is, after all, how the artist landed the solo show in the first place). This install is much harder; this is OPEN WALLS.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Everything You Need to Know about OPEN WALLS

Everything You Need to Know about OPEN WALLS

In a handy list format, here is everything you need to know about our upcoming show, OPEN WALLS.

1. OPEN WALLS is awesome. 

You might assume this a presumptuous declaration, but I know. I know because we did this last year, for the first time, and it went so very well. I have every reason to believe it will go well again this year. Seeing the creativity of so many people in one little room is awesome. See a wide range of styles and skills from a broad spectrum of artists is awesome. Thus, OPEN WALLS is awesome.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Today's Artist: Enter The Worship Circle Wants to Tear the Veil

Today's Artist: Enter The Worship Circle Wants to Tear the Veil

I've been blessed with some very good people in my life. Some I can even call friends. Karla Adolphe and Ben Pasley are two such people, and they've been working on a new project for the past several months as Enter The Worship Circle.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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HELD OVER! A NEW BEGINNING Now closes Oct 22 for a very good reason

HELD OVER! A NEW BEGINNING Now closes Oct 22 for a very good reason

We've been promoting October 15 since Kaleido Festival and I know people are looking forward to that date. So why move the event? The simple answer is because we want to support Brandon Atkinson. 

Brandon has landed a major public art commission out of the province and had to fly out for meetings this week. It was a last minute arrangement and the timing couldn't be changed. This is a landmark event in Brandon's career and it means he can no longer be with us for his closing or give an artist talk this Saturday.

I hope you can join us on the new date, October 22, to meet Brandon Atkinson and share some snacks and conversations. It will be worth the wait. 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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The Return of ArtLuck

The Return of ArtLuck

Remember show and tell? This is like that. But with food. And art. And grown-ups.

Bring a piece of art you'd like to share. It can be your art or someone else's. It can be visual art, writing, music, dance or a slice of theatre. We can watch you live or use our projector. We'll make it work so you can share what you want to share.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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The Year of Making Space(s)

The Year of Making Space(s)

There are plenty of fresh ideas at the Bleeding Heart Art Space these days. Lots of vision. New faces looking through the windows and coming inside. New programs and proposals with several directions we could head.

All of this is exciting, but add it to the new ideas at Bleeding Heart and it can be overwhelming without some unifying purpose.

Thankfully, we have that purpose. 

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The Difference You Make in Two Hours

The Difference You Make in Two Hours

You will spend two hours twelve times today. Four times, if you're lucky, you will be asleep. Another four you'll be at work. Maybe another two hours hold you in a slow-moving car. Two hours can be easily whiled away watching a movie. Running errands. Cooking and eating.

You choose the way you spend your hours. What if you chose to give them to someone else?

This is the part where I tell you how important it is to volunteer, and how you can give that time right here at Bleeding Heart Art Space.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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757 Thank You's for Kaleido

757 Thank You's for Kaleido

I emerge from this Kaleido weekend grateful.

I give thanks for the hundreds who have made Kaleido Family Arts Festival possible for over a decade. I give thanks for Christy Morin and her team of dreamers and doers. I give thanks for the roster of volunteers who enabled Bleeding Heart to remain open for the entire weekend! I give thanks for TJ who got our lights installed in time for this show and for Daniel who built the wall and for Wenda and Jack who painted everything last week. I give thanks for Mat's last minute sound system help. I give thanks for our donors and thanks for those 700 guests.

Even deeper than those thanks, in the well of my heart, is a different gratitude.

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