Creating Community, Connection through Art Workshops

Community, connection, and creativity - three c’s that keep the Bleeding Heart beating - come together beautifully through the workshops we host at the Art Space. It’s also something that got me involved with the Bleeding Heart Art Space, believing that we are all created to be creative and it’s important to give ourselves room to explore that in community, regardless of what our skill level or experience is.

Over the years, small groups have been able to gather at Bleeding Heart to learn or hone existing skills from local artists, creating a space that celebrates, encourages, and coaxes people further into their artistic and creative selves.  I am so happy that workshops are a part of who we are.

We have made a change to how we organize workshops in the hope that it will connect us with a wide variety of artists who also value this sort of creative space.

You can read more about what it means to be a Workshop Facilitator in our space here . And after reading that, if you think this is something you would like to be part of, please fill out an application form. Applications will be considered by the Bleeding Heart lead team.

Hoping to connect & create with you soon!


Workshop Coordinator, Bleeding Heart Art Space

(image by Annie Spratt on Unsplash)

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Bring your inspiration and heart to our (first ever!) Town Hall meeting, June 14

Another great season of creating art space, sacred space, and community space is fast approaching, and we need your help to continue the vision.

Artists, volunteers, patrons, community residents, social-media-followers, and Bleeding Hearts of the past, present, or future - you are all invited to this gathering at the Space on June 14 at 7 PM to brainstorm ideas, enhance our spirit energy, and enliven how we produce this upcoming season's shows.

Everyone is welcome. No RSVP necessary.

Questions? Please contact Travis at

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So Long and Welcome to the Future

So Long and Welcome to the Future

I have big, exciting, and difficult news for you today.

And the end of June, I will be leaving Bleeding Heart Art Space and my position with St. Faith’s Anglican Church as Arts Chaplain. I will step back for at least a year. I may then have the time, capacity and desire to return, but those decisions are for another time and context. 

Today, the heart of it is this; I’m tired and I may be in the way. 

To survive and thrive, Bleeding Heart Art Space must be a team-led, community-driven, supporter-funded movement disconnected from any one person.

I have hope.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Beneath the Surface: The Art of Tattoos

Beneath the Surface: The Art of Tattoos

Tattoos are a personal form of art, often containing meanings that go deep beneath the surface.

My story starts at the young age of sixteen, when I got the first of what would eventually be four tattoos. I had known by around the age of twelve that I wanted a tattoo one day, maybe because of seeing my father’s forearm tattoo daily, my love of art, or the beauty in the ink. Whatever the influence or reason, I knew that I wanted one, which led to getting four before my nineteenth birthday. The reasons behind my tattoo choices ranged from wanting a daily reminder of ‘balance’, to a tribute for the passing of a dear friend.

Everyone has their own reasons for deciding to get inked, and sometimes, as we grow and change with time, our reasons can shift as well.

This leads me to my current tattoo journey – getting them removed.

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New Creative Retreat Option and Small, Slow & Beautiful Updates

New Creative Retreat Option and Small, Slow & Beautiful Updates

Our Small, Slow and Beautiful Retreat is less than 2 months away and we've got some big news today.

First, we have decided to cancel our dedicated painting option. We are sad to do this because Jennifer Berkenbosch, our guide for the sessions, is awesome. The short story we didn't have the registration numbers we needed to proceed and we'd rather cancel now than wait and perhaps still cancel last minute.

This change gives us an opportunity to refocus on our Poetry Workshop with Stephen T Berg, and retool our 'open retreat option' into something much more exciting - a brand new Creative Retreat option, at the same low price! 

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"Pressing for Progress" by Filling in the Gaps of the Historical Record

"Pressing for Progress" by Filling in the Gaps of the Historical Record

On this International Women’s Day we’re gearing up for Regarding Mary, a brand new exhibit by Marlena Wyman that is scheduled to open March 10th.

Marlena has served on the board of the Women’s Art Museum Society of Canada and worked as the Audio/Visual Archivist at the Provincial Archives of Alberta for 28 years. She has always created art, even when she was a single mom and working full-time.

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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Be Original | Buy Original : Thoughts on the Value of Original Art

Have you ever come across a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry, or other original piece of art that just spoke to you? Was it as if you were being lured in by an invisible force, calling your name, begging you to make a place in your life for this magical creation? This has happened to me before, and I’m pretty sure this scenario has happened to you as well. But what does it all mean?

Perhaps the best way to explain this “invisible force” is through an experience that I had last spring while attending a local hand-made exhibition. It happened when I walked past a jewelry booth displaying necklaces, nothing like I had seen before. The depth and richness in the colours of the hand-made clay pieces drew me in, begging me to come for a closer look. After browsing the collection of necklaces, I noticed that there was a small assortment of stud earrings. Simple yet unique, each set containing just 2 colours. One pair in blue and black immediately spoke to me, asking me to take them home and make them a part of my life. I knew there was no going back now. If I didn’t buy these earrings, I would be thinking about them after I left, and then I may not have the opportunity to buy them at another time. So, I asked the artisan for the price (not that it mattered because I knew they were mine at that point), and at just $20, I felt like I had won the lottery.

I wear these earrings at some point every week, and they have become an accessory that I work into my regular wardrobe. The best part is that I continue to be drawn in by their invisible force, like the first day I spotted them at the exhibition. These earrings have a way of making me feel like my unique self, and I always feel great when I wear them. These are feelings of great value that never diminish, and all it took was that single purchase. Art like this will keep you looking at it and will leave you in wonder. When you buy original art that speaks to you, you are not just exchanging money for a finished product, but also for the artists’ process, time and energy that went into creating something unique. Ultimately, you receive a piece of the artist themselves. Art of this nature will hold its value, because YOU see the value in it – and truthfully, isn’t that really all that matters?

Art is personal and speaks to people in different ways, so why not surround yourself with art that is as unique to you as you are to the world? The next time a piece of art speaks to you, remember this:  buy original art that reflects your original self, and its value will never diminish.

Stay creative!


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Blair Brennan: Get It Down on Paper, The Talk

Blair Brennan: Get It Down on Paper, The Talk

Blair Brennan gave his Get It Down On Paper artist talk to a packed house in November 2017. If you weren't one of the lucky ones to get a spot (sitting or standing), or if you just want to revisit his excellent thoughts on artmaking, you're in luck. Blair has graciously provided his talk for our blog.


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This is Our Manifesto

This is Our Manifesto

Before we ever opened a gallery, we were a movement. We still are, and this is our Manifesto. Our reason for existing. Our map. 

Thanks to all who read the Manifesto for this video, and to every artist who has shared their beautiful work in our space(s) over the years. 

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How to get your art into Open Walls

How to get your art into Open Walls

Open Walls 3 starts this Saturday, and I encourage you to show a piece of work. It has to be ready to hang, and it has to be something most families would feel comfortable viewing together (we often have kids at this show), but otherwise, anything goes. One piece for every artist who wants to submit one. 

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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