A Poem A Day Keeps the Lazy Away

I've been challenged by good friend Edward Van Vliet to join him in NaPoWriMo. We are writing a new poem every day for April - Poetry Month.

I took this one with great trepidation, but so far, I'm happy with the results. It's amazing what will speak when you give it voice.

I've written 7 poems so far, and you can find them all on my personal website at davevonbieker.com/blog

Part of the joy of posting things raw is the feedback I have received. It's making me a better writer. Taking comments into consideration on yesterday's poem, here is a rewrite, which I'm only posting here for now.


I watch a glass


Thinking how cliches are so often true

how time really does slow down after our



I watch a glass


Slow motion, unbroken on the counter like a miracle  

I sigh relief and then behold my reason to



I watch a glass


and count what is left of my matching set

wishing I had been more careful, 

more contolled


I write 'sharps'

on a box

I clean up and move on

doing my best to make sure this is where the damage  



Blog for Bleeding Heart!

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