Loving Local - How I’m Almost Succeeding at the 20 and 17 Challenge
Last month I put a challenge out to myself and anyone who’d like to join along (it’s never too late!). I want to support local artists in a tangible way by spending more money on their work in 2017. Not huge pile of cash, but a deliberate, reachable amount of personal patronage.
My goal is to spend 20$ on local arts experiences and $17 on an arts products, every month this year.
20 and 17 in 2017. $37 every month for a total of $444 over the course of the year. If you do this, too, we can make a big difference in the local art scene.
Instead of going to a $15 movie, go to a $15 concert.
Instead of buying a $20 poster from IKEA, pick up a print from a local gallery like SNAP or VividPrint or even right here at Bleeding Heart Art Space.
So, how am I doing? I’m getting there.
Blog for Bleeding Heart!
You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to dave@bleedingheartart.space and let's chat.