A Short Burst of Gratitude

A busy day is waiting for me. There is not much time to write this morning before I head to an all day field trip with my daughter. In about eight minutes, things start rolling and they won’t stop all day. First, I want to pause and thank you.

Deep Freeze Festival comes early in the year. Right after the holidays. Little time is left for us to recruit volunteers at a time when we need you most. Last week Penny and I sent out requests. You answered. We were able to keep the gallery open both Saturday and Sunday and we saw over 480 guests come through the doors! Thank you for stepping up and helping out this past weekend. So many new guests saw our space, and our current WAITING ROOM show, because of you.

But that is not all I’m grateful for. We have a show coming up in February. It’s the most ambitious thing we’ve tried. I’ll be sharing more details soon, including a way artists can get involved, but I can tell you three things today. The exhibit focusses on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW). The exhibit includes a large-scale outdoor installation. We needed to cut the branches off of 40 trees in a tight timeframe.

In this case, my hat goes off to Lori Calkins, an Anglican priest who has pulled this show together and rounded up the volunteers (and tree pruners) we needed to get the job done on time. And we did. Yesterday. 40 trees. Done.

I’m so grateful this morning for the help Bleeding Heart Art Space has received over the past few days. It’s encouraging. It drives me forward.

Thank you.

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