What you liked last week (9.13.16)

We share a fair bit on Social Media every week. Some things hit and some things miss. Here's what 'hit' with our communities last week in a 'best of' roundup.

This is what success looks like.

Many of clicked the little heart when we shared a photo of our gallery 'attendance clicker' after Brandon Atkinson's Friday night opening during Kaleido. It's a good photo of a great moment. 

Shared on Instagram on Friday, September 9.

Tips on writing. Especially online. Especially on Medium.


Shared on Twitter and Facebook on Friday, September 9 

The Holy-Spirit-Power of Hanging Out

My friend Tania Runyan is a fantastic poet and essayist, and I really enjoyed her take on this summer's Glen Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Here's a taste ...

"Coming of age in evangelicalism, I heard Jesus’s words, “where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them,” quite a bit. But those words often evoked images of Bible studies, group prayer, worship services, or other intentional, structured activities designed to move me from point A to point B on the spiritual growth chart.
It never occurred to me then, that sometimes just sitting together can fill us with the Holy Spirit more than a flashy program."

 Read the whole piece on the Image Journal blog at http://www.patheos.com/blogs/goodletters/2016/08/sitting-together-a-week-at-the-glen-workshop/

Shared on Facebook on Tuesday, September 6

Laugh at the Ridiculous Complexity of Sheet Music

I play music by ear, and while I continue to try and master sheet music, I am far from fluent. This video, then, came as a consolation.

Shared on LinkedIn on Friday, September 9

Don't miss next week's hits (and misses). Follow us on social!

Blog for Bleeding Heart!

You have something to say–why not say it here? Email your blog post idea to dave@bleedingheartart.space and let's chat.