Kaleido Moments and 34 Photos for #ArtsTalkTuesday

This past weekend thousands of guests crowded the cordoned off streets of Alberta Avenue for the Kaleido Family Arts Festival. Perhaps you were one of them?

The Bleeding Heart Art Space provided volunteer care in the 'Volunteer Luxe Lounge' all weekend. This meant we decorated the room, brought in some crazy lamps, kept things clean and tidy and served up food the festival brought in. It also meant a lot of smiles and great conversations with some very dedicated volunteers.

At some point, I left the Volunteer Lounge and wandered the streets. I took some photos. I had some moments.

What moment stands out for you from this past weekend's festival? If you weren't able to make it, do you have any questions about what was there?

Enjoy the photos and stories below! 

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