Experience a church service 'on the Ave' with space for creative experession and reflection. Rooted in the rich language and tradition of Anglican liturgy, each Bleeding Heart Liturgy seeks to explore new artistic paths and invite new voices into the gathering.
This month we find ourselves in Epiphany, just after the birth of Jesus, as we are beginning to discover just who this man is, and if he may in fact be more than a man. The more we learn, the more we are compelled to respond. To act.
This month's liturgy includes members of Avenue Church, as we gather together to offer Avenue's space to the Deep Freeze Festival. We will be reading a wonderufl poem called Where The Map Begins by Jan Richardson, which you can find online at http://paintedprayerbook.com/2017/01/03/epiphany-day-where-the-map-begins/
These are Christian liturgies (crafted services enacted by the everyone attending), but are open to anyone from any or no religious background to attend. These liturgies often include the Eucharist, or communion, which is open to all followers of Christ from any background, while anyone is also welcome to abstain.
Image from Unsplash, by Mikey Boyle